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About the Conjugate Margins Conferences

The Conjugate Margins Conferences are independently organized, biennial scientific meetings focused on improving knowledge on the geological evolution and petroleum prospectivity of divergent Atlantic margin basins.

They are supported through the financial and like assistance of industry, government organizations, technical societies and universities. Conjugate Margins Conferences are intended to bring together representatives of industry, government and academia who are interested in relationships between margin evolution and petroleum systems, with a regional focus on the North, Central & South Atlantic and adjacent basins, to lead to a better understanding of the prospectivity of these areas.

The first Conjugate Margins Conference was held in 2008, and has continued every second year since. They attract delegates from E&P companies, geological and geophysical service companies, consultants, university researchers, government agencies and departments. Students are strongly encouraged to participate through discounted registration with the best oral and poster presentations recognized with prizes for presentation excellence.


The Conjugate Margins Conferences have been taking place worldwide since 2008 


Date: August 13-15, 2008

Venue: Dalhousie University 

200 Delegates Attended

17 Countries Represented

6 Thematic Sessions

45 Oral Presentations

41 Posters

10 Exhibitors


Date: September 29 - October 1, 2010

Venue: Gulbenkian Centre

217 Delegates Attended

19 Countries Represented

5 Thematic Sessions

41 Oral Presentations

55 Posters

10 Exhibitors


Date: August 22-24, 2012

Venue: Trinity College

277 Delegates Attended

16 Countries Represented

5 Thematic Sessions

49 Oral Presentations

52 Posters

10 Exhibitors


Date: August 20-22, 2014

Venue: Delta Hotel & Convention Centre

350 Delegates Attended

18 Countries Represented

7 Thematic Sessions

62 Oral Presentations

28 Posters

13 Exhibitors


Date: August 23-25, 2017

Venue: Enotel Hotel & Convention Centre

75 Delegates Attended

10 Countries Represented

4 Thematic Sessions

49 Oral Presentations

0 Posters

0 Exhibitors


Date: August 19-22, 2018

Venue: Dalhousie University 

224 Delegates AttendedCountries

13 Represented

5 Thematic Sessions

81 Oral Presentations

43 Posters

12 Exhibitors

The conferences are held usually during the late summer or autumn with three days of keynote, oral and poster presentations and trade displays, along with pre- and post-conference field trips, core workshops and short courses interwoven with social and cultural events reflecting the hospitality of the host country. The thematic sessions from the conferences to date have included Atlantic margin evolution and development, plate reconstruction, geodynamics, petroleum systems, exploration and production, and productive fields and analogues.


The Conjugate Margins Conferences have a proven record of bringing together people to share new data and ideas about the evolution of sedimentary basins and their associated petroleum systems in the Atlantic margins. Each conference has had a successively greater number of delegates and especially students. The organizers strive to create a gathering that encourages the building of business and research relationships with the goal of improving knowledge and prospectivity of this under-explored global petroleum province.

Previous Sponsors Include:

Organised by:
Nova Scotia, Conjugate Margins Conferenc

Lead Scientific Partner:

Scientific Partner:

Gold sponsor:
Geoex MCG - Logo master (CMYK).png
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